

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Smart Merge Pro


Keeps your Address Book perfectly ordered! Smart Merge is a completely redesigned contacts app that makes your address book light, fast, and user-friendly.

Forget about duplicates contacts, with Smart Merge you can:

- Merge all duplicates in one click!
- Finds contacts without any Phone or Name!
- Backup your contacts in on click!

The Address book is the most important Database in your Phone, which easily becomes Messy if not consistently updated.
Smart Merge helps you easily to detected and merge duplicate contacts.

Merge Duplicates:
- Merge Duplicates Automatically!
- Merge contacts with duplicate Phone.
- Merge contacts with duplicate Email.
- Merge contacts with Similar Names.

Backup & Copy Contacts:
- Backup your contacts in on click!
- Copy/Move contacts between sources (Exchange, iCloud, Local Address Book)

Find Missing Fields:
- Find contacts without Name
- Find contacts without any Phone Number.
- Find contacts without any Phone & Email.

Find By Common Field:
- Find contacts with the same Birthday Date / Month.
- Find contacts with the same Creation Date.
- Find contacts with the same Company Name.
- Find contacts with the same Job Title.
- Find contacts with the same Email Domain.

- Merge reminder – your address book will stay clean.
- Backup reminder – your contacts will be saved in a safe place.

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese-Br, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew

Do you think your address book is well organized? You will be surprised how ‘Smart Merge’ can upgrade it!


Yoni Tserruya






13.69 MB




Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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